Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Health Update - 7 September 2010


There's nothing more comforting than knowing one can't lose. Over the months, the Lord has been teaching me about hope. For many, hope an abstraction; a vague concept; a weak word. However, once you have faced death and stared it down and you'll able to walk away knowing exactly who you are in Christ and exactly what your future holds, that when you grasp biblical hope. Hope is tangible, it's a rock upon which one can rest. Having gone through this illness, I can say with all my heart, "I don't fear death." I'm now free to to release my reserves into treatment and recovery because I have no doubt where my destiny lies. It great to be in a position in which you know you can't lose. Praise God that over the weeks, I've had opportunities to explain the hope that lies within me to a number of other patients. In moments like that, it makes perfect sense as to why I am there in their midst.

Over the last couple of weeks, we've been scurrying around seeking to confirm a clear treatment plan forward. It's now apparent that the current CD-40 trial can only do so much. I've spoken with the oncologist, Anna, about two other possibilites.

1) Frankfurt, Germany with Dr. Thomas Vogl. This is a chemoembolization treatment in which large quantities of the chemo are injected directly in the tumor and then the vein, the food supply, gets cut off. I spoke directly with Dr. Vogl this week and he is saying that they have had equal success with regular mesothelioma as well as sarcomitoid mesothlioma. This, of course, is highly encouraging news.

2) But before we race off to Germany, I'm still talking with Dr. Feigen, in Melbourne. He uses high dose radio therapy to remove the cancer. This will be a form of de-bulking and he too has had great success with sarcomitoid tumors.

Right now, I have a meeting with Anna on Wednesday and I desire would be to line up a treatment with Dr. Feigen in Melbourne to remove as much of the cancer as possible, perhaps even all of it. Secondly, whatever is left, I'll fly to Frankfurt where Dr. Vogl has aggreed to do the "mopping" up exercise. If 5% is left, Dr. Vogl can bombard that 5% with all he's got.

Recently, I've read testimonies of others receiving a similar treatment who are now enjoying completely free scans.

This is almost beyond what we dared ask of God, but it's now within our grasp, should all go well.

Prayer points:

1. Planning and arrangements must be made, which will include carefully timing. We ask God that we would find favour with all the doctors and treatment plans that this design could be expedited as quickly as possible.

2. Pray that I'll enjoy the physical strength to undergo the treatments and travel and that I'll be kept from infection.

3. Even now, I don't want to presume anything. Pray that any planning that is not of God will be frustrated. We've consistly asked that the Lord would make our path straight.

4. Lastly, I have been dealing with an unusually high degree of pain in my left shoulder. I don't know what exactly brings it on but when it hits, in a word, it's debilitating. Pray that I'll be able to get a handle on my pain management.

Thanks for you prayers and support. Recenly, my sister in Christ, Susan Perlman, was in Perth for a couple of days and her visited lifted our spirits immeasurably. We're all strong here and awaiting what God will do to glorify Himself.

Blessings in Christ,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Graham,

    I am a Subi Church-er and i believe You have been more of an encouragement to us,than us to you. Seeing the way you've been approaching your situation, I'm more than overwhelmed by your never-give-up attitude even when things got tough. I pray that the Lord's hand will be upon you and you will be healed. As it is, the booklet of your sermon series on 'Hearing God's voice' is sitting on my table, and i pray pray pray that very soon, you will be back on stage to continue it. May we all hear God's great voice as we continue on this journey with you.

    God Bless!
