Dr Graham MacPherson JOHNSTON
Graham who was Senior Pastor at Subiaco Church of Christ since September 1, 1989 died peacefully at home on Monday evening (17 January 2011), surrounded by his wife Tracey, teenage children Paige and Carson and one of his brothers and his Mother and Father from the United States. Graham was just 50 years old.
Graham gathered and built a contemporary church of ethnic and cultural diversity that is based in Subiaco, but that also has influence around the world! As a strategic leader, insightful thinker, powerful teacher and preacher and a humble and gracious man Graham has cast a giant shadow across churches in this State and across our Nation and Internationally, including pioneering mission and leadership teaching in South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Congo, Sudan, Pakistan, China, Russia, Romania and PNG to name a few countries. In addition, Graham’s text; Preaching in a post-modern world has helped Pastors and teachers in many of the aforementioned countries sharpen their teaching and preaching skills, thus enabling men and women to bring the message of the Gospel to people in a challenging and insightful manner.
Graham’s heart has always been for mission – to take the news of God’s love and grace to all who choose to hear. This passion led Graham to Perth as part of a Leighton Ford Crusade in 1988. In Perth Graham met Tracey Hemming and they were married at Subiaco Church on July 31, 1989. Graham and Tracey have served Subiaco Church faithfully for 21 years and in the process raised two children Paige and Carson. The Johnston family has been an inspiration to all of us who have been privileged to know them and to be taught, loved and challenged under Graham’s leadership.
Graham was born and raised in the United States and he is a 3rd generation leader in Christian ministry. Graham’s two brothers pastor large churches in the US and Graham’s father was Principal of William Tyndale College in Detroit for many years. Since ‘retirement’ Graham’s dad has accompanied him on numerous teaching and training missions to countries already noted above. Graham’s indefatigable style comes from his dad! Graham’s family have always been gracious in ‘letting Graham go’ to live and work in Perth. It was fitting therefore that Graham’s wonderful parents could be here when Graham passed away to what we know is his reward in the Kingdom of God.
Although we will miss Graham terribly we are grateful for the heritage he has left us and all people who gather each week as Subiaco Church to worship God together will be committed to carry the torch Graham lit for us. Graham’s passion is that we are not just a ‘church gathered’ each weekend, but that we are also a witness throughout every week of the year as the ‘church scattered.’ Graham also wishes that we are a church of grace and as whole hearted followers of Christ we will be ‘Christ-like’ in all our dealings with every person we meet and know.
Graham would also want us to continue the great working relationships we have with Subiaco City Council, Subiaco Primary School and many other businesses in Subiaco. We delight in being part of Subiaco Street Party and we are grateful to Subiaco Primary School for the partnership we have with them in joint use of our facilities. Having our church building in Subiaco is something we value highly and we look forward to many more years of ‘living and belonging’ in Subiaco.
Our Board of Elders, our church staff and members of Subiaco Church celebrate Graham’s 21 years of work with us. All of us would prefer that Graham could remain much longer with us, but we are also committed to carry on his vision. Graham is now a member of the ‘cloud of witnesses’ (Heb 12:1), cheering us on as we labour to bring Christ’s love and generosity to fellow Aussies and others we meet and know throughout the world.