Wendell & Martha Johnston (Graham's parents) visited the family in Perth from June 25 to July 27, 2010. The following are Wendell's thoughts.
Character Trumps Giftedness
Serious illness often comes unexpectedly. When it hits us or someone we love it can bring out the best in us or it can reveal some weakness in our character. Good health is a gift from God. We may take some credit for developing and maintaining our physical bodies, but serious disease often strikes healthy people. Sickness teaches us some valuable lessons and it allows God to work in ways we never imagined or planned.
Graham, you are a gifted man. You are a superb communicator. God has given you wisdom beyond your years. You have obvious leadership abilities. Your relational skills and your intelligence are at the top of the chart. You have accomplished so much for the Lord in your years of ministry. You have given yourself to the people of Subi church, and you have been available to many others around the world through your teaching endeavors. These gifts and abilities are from the Lord and I know that you give Him all the credit.
In light of all your gifts and abilities why would the Lord allow this to happen to you? Watching Tracey, Paige, and Carson care for you during these days is special. They are expressing their love to you in new ways. Their commitment to share with you in your struggle with cancer enables you to see the deep love and respect they have for you. To see the outpouring of love from so many of the people in Subi church has to be rewarding to you. Since you have served them in a variety of ways, they now have a chance to serve you. I am awed by the love and generosity of your friends. Many pastors serve for years and never see the depth of love and gratitude people have for them. The response from people all over the world continues to amaze your mother and me. God has pulled back the curtain so you can see the body of Christ at work through prayer. Your illness has touched many people and has brought them to their knees. This is just one way God is glorified through your struggle.
Jesus called 12 men and gifted them. He called them for fellowship and ministry (Mark 3:14). He gave them the ability to serve Him. He also called 72 people and sent them out to serve Him (Luke 10:1-24). He gave them power over evil spirits and the ability to cast them out. When they returned from serving Him, they were ecstatic about their giftedness. Even the demons submitted to them because they ministered in the name of the Lord. Jesus replied to their reactions by saying, “do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” Jesus was teaching them that who they were because of their faith in God was more significant than what they did. Character trumps giftedness. The apostle Paul states this truth in 1 Corinthians 12-13. He begins by explaining that gifts are given sovereignly by the triune God and that the church should desire the more significant gifts (The “you” is plural in 12:31, suggesting that leaders in the church should emphasize the gifts that have the greatest value for the congregation). Then Paul says, “now I will show you a more excellent way.” The apostle goes on to describe love as superior to all giftedness (1 Cor. 13). Faith, hope, and love are character issues and they trump all gifts.
Just today in the Dallas Morning News there was an article about Tom Landry, coach of the Dallas Cowboys. As you know, Tom was a Dallas Seminary Board member for many years and a devoted believer in Christ. The article quoted Alicia Landry, his wife. “He (Tom) believed character and integrity had as much to do with success as talent did, and that’s the kind of players he had around him. People saw that it worked.” Even in the sports world, character trumps giftedness.
Graham, you have been chosen by the Lord to serve Him. He has gifted you abundantly. This is obvious to anyone who knows about your ministry. Now, in the midst of serious illness we have an opportunity to see your character—who you really are. How you have responded to this cancer tells me more about you than anything you have accomplished through the gifts God has given you.
As devastating as your illness is you haven’t looked at yourself as a victim. Both you and Tracey have acknowledged that God is good and gracious even in the face of illness. Your desire for God to be honored and glorified through this speaks to the depth of your love for Christ. This is godliness at its best.
Sickness and suffering can bring out the best and the worst in us. Some of these good things I see in you are: (1) You have courage. You are determined to fight this disease and you are willing to do whatever it takes to overcome this aggressive cancer. (2) You are not trying to find someone or something to blame for this illness. God has allowed this for a purpose. This sickness is not because of some terrible sin you have committed or because you have displeased God. As David said in Psalm 103, “He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.” (3) Your reflection on the goodness and faithfulness of God is clearly revealed in your attitude and in the reports you have sent to the people of Subi Church. (4) Your love for the Lord has deepened and this is evidenced by your strong faith in your God. (5) Your appreciation of the many tributes and expressions of love reveals a humble spirit and makes it very appealing to your friends to minister to you during this time.
The battle is not over and the challenge remains. The days ahead may be even more difficult than the past few months. The “newness” wears off and the routine sets in. You must guard against impatience. It is easy to become irritated as time drags on and recovery seems so slow. There will be times when those around you, whom you love and cherish, will find the struggle equally challenging. They may not feel the pain and struggle as you do and may not know how to respond to you. You can help them through words and expressions of love and appreciation. There are some things that you alone must endure and your attitude and actions can make it easier for them to live with you through these trying times. I think we all fight the urge for self-pity, but this attitude never enhances our life and those around us. With the Lord’s help you can make this phase of your life a blessing.
One of the delights for Mom and me was to see the way you and Ben bonded during his time in Perth. His unselfish desire to serve you brought great pleasure to us. This is something parents dream about but rarely see it happen.
Our hearts, love and prayers are with you as we continue this journey together.
Wendell Johnston
25 August 2010
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