Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Health Update - 20 July 2010

Dear Friends,

All I can say is that I have the energy to write to you.  On Wednesday, I commenced the chemo and was feeling so good that evening that we as a family went out to celebrate.  The following day, I began taking the anti-nausea meds and that's when the fatigue; the stomach aches; the insomnia; the general feeling of being sick all hit you at once.

Praise God; I'm feeling so much better on Monday.  Today, I had some ozone therapy to strengthen my system and it seemed to work.  Later this week, I'll be having acupuncture to help minimize the effects of the chemo.

My parents, my brother Ben, and my good friends, Martin and Dianna Sanders arrived this week and together, they have served to provide a moral support that's worth more than gold to me.

We had ordered a special bed weeks ago with the promise that it should be here and set-up this week only to hear that it's still in the Eastern States.  So, for now, my bed remains the massage chair which reclines and sits in the middle of our living room.

The prayers and concern keep rolling in and at times, I'm overwhelmed.  I hate going through this but I love having my children experience firsthand the love of God's people being displayed with compassion and generosity. Last week, someone walked into the Subi Church office and laid out the full expense for the special bed we ordered with a motorized mattress for reclining and elevation.  The body of Christ does not wilt in a crisis but rises to the occasion with selflessness and strength.

Thank you for your continued prayers.  On Saturday night, in which I was feeling particularly down hearted, Doug Swift rang my home.  Eighteen months ago in Perth, Doug was diagnosed with the same cancer I have now and just as advanced.  Eighteen months later, the tumour is gone completely and the medical specialists can't believe it.  Doug encouraged me that night; told me of what to expect and how to overcome it; and then he said, "You're next!".  Isn't it amazing the people God brings into our lives just when we need it most?  How great is Our God!  How great is Our God!!

Hold me in your prayers, primarily that this chemo is shrinking the tumour. Again, once we get some movement, options begin to appear.

On Sunday, for the first time I lacked the energy to attend corporate worship.  I love singing God's praises with His people and I feel God's strength surge through me.  However, this weekend, Dad, Ben, and I had to settle for reading and praying at home.  Dad read from Isaiah 49 in which the Lord declares, "Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb?  Even these may forget you yet I will not forget you."  How I need to be reminded of these words from Our Lord.

Blessings on you all,

Yours in Christ,


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