I have not met Graham personally but have seen his book and have heard of the ministry of Subiaco Church.
The purpose of this email is to simply thank God and honour Graham for his love for the Lord and for people.
Be assured too that this comes with prayers today for his family Tracey and children Paige and Carson.
God bless you as a church in this testing time and may God's great comfort be with the Johnston family.
God bless you and keep you
Andy Hogarth
-- Rev Andrew Hogarth Senior Pastor The Journey Uniting Church www.thejourneycc.org.au For God's Glory Golden Grove 10am and 6pm [Pedare Christian College Chapel] Elizabeth Downs 330pm [Gateway Uniting Site Midway Road] M. 0413995219 P. 08 8251 7149 F. 08 8251 7396 E. andrew@thejourneycc.org.au Skype. andrew.hogarth2 Office Address and all corrospondance to: 2-30 Surrey Farm Drive Golden Grove 5125 [Pedare Christian College Site] ABN: 70 226 116 175